Sundeep Vira
To Student and Community Entrepreneurs,
Vermeer Studios and the Earn Network Learn (ENL) Program at Trinity, seek to transform your lives and business practices.
Our theory of change is simple. We believe that we can meet you where you are:
- Offer supports in financial access to capital (though our TrinTank)
- Offer assistance in developing your businesses though our community alliance program (CAP) with targeted micro-internships
- Provide mentoring though our Fellows Program using our well connected alumni
- Provide networking through virtual and physical space being developed at Vermeer Studios (Incubator)
- Create a eco-system of learning and curriculum trainings for new incubated companies and companies to accelerate your growth
By Trinity and our Business Department offering you all these supports, we believe that you will increase your trajectory and further grow your business. In return, all of our students, faculty, and alumni will learn and grow alongside you by supporting your businesses. What we seek from you is pertinacity, grit, and passion to work hard and leverage the resources provided to you.
Here at Vermeer Studios, we believe in being good neighbors and good Samaritans, as suggested by Christ, and helping to transform Chicago’s neighborhoods into vibrant communities. At Trinity, all our students can participate in ENL!
Sundeep Vira
What Is the Vermeer Studios?
The Vermeer Studios is a new business incubator at Trinity Christian College that will provide students and local entrepreneurs access to workspace facilities, educational resources, mentorship, and capital investment opportunities to accelerate their ideas and focus on pursuing business development and academic success.
Vermeer Studios aims to bring together our communities, students, and the broader Trinity network. We envision a dynamic environment where creativity thrives, ideas flourish, and partnerships are curated between Trinity’s community and our neighbors.
By investing in the success of our local businesses, we are not only enhancing economic growth but also strengthening our communities. We are committed to engaging in impactful partnerships that benefit everyone involved, from students seeking real-world experience to community members striving to bring their businesses to the next level.
Vermeer Studios will provide a center for innovation, entrepreneurship, and community networking. It is tailored with seasoned professionals who will help you reach the next level in your business or career.
Launching in a phased approach, we seek to offer these resources (see graphic) in the coming years. We encourage all who are interested to contact us to learn more of how they can improve their businesses, and more importantly their lives through Vermeer Studios.
As we continue to navigate the road ahead, we seek to communicate our vision. Vermeer Studios is for all, whether faculty, students, alumni, or community members; we exist for your benefit.

We exist for a much broader impact and recognize that God has called us to a bigger purpose, and as we open our doors to welcome in new beginnings for the neighboring community members, we hope to find positive change in the stories and lives involved.
As we bring together communities, we lean on the love that Christ offers us, and use His blessings given upon us to bless the ones around us with grace, love, and compassion. We seek to grow individuals into community leaders through all their endeavors and demonstrate what it means to lead with Christ at the center, in business, in life, and beyond.